make the difference

EdVerso International
brings your Organization
into the 5.0 era

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Get your Accredited Institution BBadge for 2025!

💥 Don't miss this chance 💥

To celebrate our second year,
we are offering until October 31, 2024,
10 Free BBadges for your volunteers
and up to 25 BBadges for your members,
including graphic design of both BBadges,
with your logo and style.

Main Price: € 900,00

Special Discount
valid until 31 October 2024

ONLY € 250

PS: This offer is valid ONLY for Associations and Foundations that join for the first time. At the end of the payment, you will receive by email the Instructions to verify your identity and the link to the form where you can enter all your public data, necessary to be able to access the benefits of Accreditation.

a simple reality

To help, every Association needs Volunteers

EdVerso helps to return, to each Volunteer, a real proof, usable today and tomorrow, in the world of work.
Thanks to the support of, EdVerso is the global promoter of the "Volunteering Booklet", the unique tool, legally verifiable in over 175 countries, that proves the value of your Volunteers!

Thanks to the "Volunteer Booklet" you will be able to highlight the commitment of your volunteers and make evident the skills they acquired.

Furthermore, you will distinguish yourself on the market by actually increasing your value, and your Reputation, and above all you will make it easier for volunteers to choose you!

A real value,
for your Volunteers

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.. and these are some of the BBadges that your Association will be able to release, starting tomorrow! They will be personalized with your logo and your colors.

... here instead are some examples of Descriptions, linked to your Single Volunteer BBadge:

# Sample 1

  • Title: Daily Bread Volunteer
  • Description: We confirm that the holder of this BBadge has volunteered with our Organization, and has supported us in distributing Food to the needy, during the month of May 2024.
  • Skill: Organization and Time Management.

Sample 2

  • Title: Secretarial Activities
  • Description: We confirm that the holder of this BBadge has performed Volunteer work at our Organization. He/she has successfully performed secretarial and organizational management activities for our activities for the past quarter.
  • Skill: Administration and Control.

Sample 3

  • Title: Volunteer for Sport
  • Description: We confirm that the holder of this BBadge has volunteered for our Organization. His contribution has allowed us to complete the sporting events we have organized, coordinating participants and external operators.
  • Skill: Organization.

Sample 4

  • Title: Health Support
  • Description: We confirm that the holder of this BBadge has volunteered at our Organization. His contribution has allowed us to support free outpatient activities during the month of dental prevention.
  • Skill: Human Resources Planning and Management.

Join EdVerso.
We work for social promotion and development, thanks to new technologies.

I want to give our volunteers the recognition they deserve! 🏅

Also by joining today - before October 31, 2024,
I get 10 Free BBadges 2024 for our volunteers
and for all the next years!!!

Official Price: € 900,00

ONLY € 250

PS: This offer is valid ONLY for Associations and Foundations that join for the first time. At the end of the payment, you will receive by email the Instructions to verify your identity and the link to the form where you can enter all your public data, necessary to be able to access the benefits of Accreditation.

it is no over!

La tecnologia è bella, anche se spesso fa un po paura.

We have designed an easy and effective process. You will be up and running in less than 10 minutes.

With our partner LutinX, we have developed a simplified procedure and dedicated support.

You will have a direct channel with us, and we will activate a page (with restricted access) just for you. In this way you can register your volunteers whenever you want (7/7 - 24/24).

Simplicity is the key

This is a practical example of what you will need to do to register your volunteers, that is, simply enter their name, surname and email.
We will take care of everything else!

actually, the service is effective and very very easy to use. Even though we have little time, issuing BBadges to our volunteers seems easy to me, I can do it even at the end of the day, or between one work cut and another!

Let's do it ✈️

Furthermore, by joining today - before October 31, 2024,
We'll get 10 Free BBadges 2024 for our volunteers
and all these conditions will be blocked for the future.


€ 250

PS: This offer is valid ONLY for Associations and Foundations that join for the first time. At the end of the payment, you will receive by email the Instructions to verify your identity and the link to the form where you can enter all your public data, necessary to be able to access the benefits of Accreditation.


EdVerso is also
the Top Partner for who make Training

As a Training Institution, accredited in EdVerso, you will be able to issue digital credentials that anyone can verify, anytime and anywhere.

You will also have two unique competitive values:
1) Your Institution will always be accessible for new commercial opportunities;
2) students with the Digital Credentials issued by you, the BBadges, will have an edge over their colleagues as their qualifications will be verifiable by potential employers.

EdVerso, within the world of LutinX – the international leader in  Data and Skills Certifications – is the structure that “verifies” those who issue certificates to Students and Workers.

We are the third party and guarantor of all the Training structures that want to issue usable and verifiable certificates – for the world of Orientation and Work.

The level and type of certificate that you can issue varies depending on the LutinX License you choose (separately).

An ecosystem of Value and merit

BBadge Model

Those who train with EdVerso – using LutinX licenses – enter a world of value that offers new growth opportunities to all their students.

Allowing the achievements to be verified, today and tomorrow, in your Country and around the world, is the true value!

Different entities participate in EdVerso EcoSystem, not only Associations. We are working together to make our Society, more digital, and more international.






training institutions



and, many more benefits


Guarantee at national and international level that the training institution exists, with simplified and immediate access to its main data.

public system

Thanks to the new portal it is possible to publicly verify, anywhere and anytime, the data of the Training Institution, or the Registers, without any more difficulties and linguistic barriers.

Digital Credentials

As an EdVerso Partner, you will immediately be able to integrate "Paper" with our new innovative Digital Certificates based on Blockchain, simple to issue and created to be shared on every Social Network.

Job promotion

HR of Companies, Associations, and Institutions can certainly
and immediately verify the candidates' resumes, also considering where they trained and where they worked before.

verifiable skills

Through the ADA codes of the Atlante del Lavoro INAPP, EQF Compliance, native in the LutinX system.

certified professions

Professional Registers and more. We also support the development of unrecognized professions.

EdVerso works to enhance and support Associations like yours! We would like to be your Partner for growth, which together, sees us as protagonists.

what can we say,
just proceed

159 / 5,000 and in addition until October 31, 2024,
I can issue up to 25 BBadges for our members free of charge.

I pay € 250

PS: This offer is valid ONLY for Associations and Foundations that join for the first time. At the end of the payment, you will receive by email the Instructions to verify your identity and the link to the form where you can enter all your public data, necessary to be able to access the benefits of Accreditation.

We work from Switzerland
throughout the world, with a clear and binding Code of Ethics.

At EdVerso we adhere to the following ethical principles:

  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Confidentiality
  • Correctness
  • Professional competence

We protect the trust that the public, companies, associations, and institutions expect from us, concerning the information that we regularly publish to confirm the identity and value of the Accredited bodies.

We also regularly and randomly verify the Certifications of Competences issued within our EcoSystem, both towards educators and towards students and workers.

Questions & Answers

The following points represent the main questions, with answers, that the Associations ask or have asked us.

If you are a Volunteer and want to know more about the Volunteer Booklet, consult the Edverso website directly (

  1. Submit the Accreditation request from this page;
  2. Pay it on Paypal;
  3. Submit the form you’ll get by email, after the payment;
  4. Email us your logo and your preferred color Pantone;
  5. Create a Corporate Free Account on (Presentation code: 111111) – Please fill out the KYC process to receive a BLUE mark near your name (think about the Instagram blue ribbon);
  6. We’ll send you, for your approval, in the next 24 hours, a draft of your Volunteering BBadges 2024 and 2025, plus a draft for your Organization Affiliates 2024 and 2025.
  7. After your confirmation, we’ll activate the system, publish your reference on the membership area, and we’ll activate your Submission pages for Volunteers and Affiliates. You’ll start with a credit of 10 BBadges for Volunteers, and 25 BBadges for Affiliates.
  8. Using the link and the password you’ll get from us, you can immediately issue your bbadges.

Important: Before starting point 5) verify that you have a digital copy of 1) a legal representative document; 2) a legal representative photograph (to be compared with the document); 3) Tax registration or statute of your Organization where the legal representative is indicated.

Important: Every Volunteer BBadge will be issued by “EdVerso International” in partnership with “your Organization”.

EdVerso wants to be a point of reference in the international panorama of those who work in the world of Volunteering and Training. We want to promote Culture and Social Cohesion, valorizing Merit. Being ACCREDITED allows you to:

  • become part of an active and constantly growing EcoSystem;
  • be visible in the world, with clear and easy-to-read information, about who you are, what you do, and how to reach you;
  • offer certainty about your identity and the services you provide;
  • guarantee new value to the certifications you issue;
  • be an added value for all the Entities, and their Volunteers, to increase the quality of the “Service” to the community.

NO. EdVerso accreditation is voluntarily.

Accreditation immediately offers five benefits, verifiable and, above all, shareable with your audience:

  • A public BBAdge® in Blockchain that certifies in a certain, legally verifiable way, your status, for the current year;
  • A dedicated Page – publicly verifiable by anyone – on the web portal “Membership” area where the main identifying data of your Profile will be reported – added following the accreditation procedure;
  • The BLUE check mark near your name to each digital Credential (BBadges) that you will issue using LutinX licenses. It is synonymous with professionalism and allows an immediate Audit activity on the titles issued.
  • If you work with Volunteers, we will immediately activate your BBadge for the Volunteer, with your logo and colors that distinguish you (max 10 units for free – and 10€/each from the 11th).
  • We will immediately activate your BBadge for your Associates, with your logo and colors (max 25 units – and 10€/each from the 11th).

YES. Every year we will renew and issue the BBadge® for the new year.

Thanks to this offer you will lock in the renewal fee including its benefits forever. You will only pay €250/year.

The Volunteer Booklet is a digital container, based on Blockchain technology, in which individual volunteers can store, manage, and share BBadges, issued by Volunteer Organizations, like yours.

BBadges are digital Credentials issued on the blockchain platform – an international leader in Digital Data Certification.

BBadges, Booklet´Badges, have the following characteristics:

  • They report with certainty the subject who issued them;
  • They have a certain date, legally verifiable in the world (in over 175 countries, including your Country);
  • They present the Name of the Volunteer;
  • They can be verified with certainty online through the search engine on / Skills and Talents section;
  • They can be shared or made “invisible” according to the preferences of the individual recipient;
  • The DATA are managed in Europe, and we do not bring any data in the US!

More details are available directly on the corporate website, inside the Project menu.


You can share the link or the QR code of the individual credentials received either via WhatsApp or Social Networks or by inserting them into your Resume.

Being able to prove what you write or what you say is essential today.

In an increasingly digital world, allowing a potential employer to easily verify your statements can mean winning or losing a job.

Thanks to the Volunteer Booklet, you can archive all the skills you will develop throughout your life and share them according to your needs.

As with any application, you can adapt your resume to the employer.

Having a single archive, accessible anytime and anywhere in the world, becomes strategic for your professional life.

Please ask the managers to register for free on EdVerso and contact one of our managers. We will be happy to support them to enhance their Organization and facilitate the issuance of digital Credentials to all their Volunteers.

At the moment we offer a very cool price, no one can refuse to prove the value of their volunteers.

The Blockchain Platform supporting this initiative is kindly offered by All trademarks presented here belong to EdVerso International and/or their respective owners, and their use for any reason is prohibited without their prior written approval. 

Copyright 2024