Are you serious?
Yes. LutinX is an international Platform focused on Digital Data Certification.
Is it legal?
Yes. We operate under the International Bern Convention, approved by more than 175 Countries. So, you can Protect your Music, and much more, like:
✅ LOGOS & MARKETING MATERIAL: Logos, Website Design & Content, Packaging.
✅ MUSIC: Music, Songs, Sounds & Lyrics.
✅ EDUCATION & TRAINING: Course Material, Diagrams, Audio & Video
✅ ART WORK: Designs, 3d Models, Drawings, Illustrations, Photos, Paintings, Sculptures.
✅ DRAMATIC WORKS: Videos, Film, TV, Dramatic Works
✅ LITERATURE: Books, Audiobooks, Blogs, Poems, Articles, Stories, Screenplays, Scripts.
✅ SOFTWARE: Apps, Websites, Code, Databases