Features and our Technology


Copyright Zone is a LutinX.com Project.

๐Ÿ† We are live from 2018 on the Blockchain Network
๐Ÿ† We work in 20+ Countries
๐Ÿ† We started our business in Switzerland, and now we are based in the United States of America with branches in 6 countries, the United Kingdom included.

Copyright Zone by LutinX witnesses ownership and copyright of your creative work. In the event your work is used without your permission, we act as an extremely reliable witness, helping to remove copycats and copyright thieves. The most important factor in a copyright dispute is being able to prove the date and authorship of your work.

Lutinx.com is a Public International Service Platform that keeps a secure copy of your work, the date and time it was registered – using Blockchain technology, and immediately generates a digital certificate with a unique reference number – the HASH codes – helping our members fight cases of copyright infringement and the removal of copycats.

Here you can check some more about our features and our technology.

Authorship Certificate

Uploading your work to LutinX generates an authorship certificate immediately as proof of your copyright.

Valid in 175+ Countries

Based on the Bern Convention, and on the International Copyright Law our service is legally valid in more than 175+ countires.

AML Compliance

Our Blockchain Platform is crypto-free. You'll never buy any crypto. Our business model is pay-for-use only, like telephone or electricity.

KYC Compliance

"Know your customer" is native inside LutinX. It is the globally recognized procedure for identity verification.

2 Minutes procedure

Once you activate your account, You just need two minutes only to upload and protect your work, directly into the Blockchain network.

Blockchain Platform

LutinX is a Native Blockchain platform. We created the Global Blockchain Service Infrastructure in September 2018.

Sha512 signatures

Every kind of file uploaded into LutinX, or directly into the Blockchain hashed is encrypted with a SHA512 signature.

Encrypted Storage

Every data in your system is encrypted. Even our technicians cannot open your files without authorization.

Legal Timestamp

Blockchain technology has been globally recognized by Law for legal timestamp and data immutability.

50+ Format files accepted

You can upload more than 50 different file formats, including PDF, RAW, DOC, JPG, PNG, ZIP, GZ...

Public Search Explorer

Directly from https://lutinx.com, everyone can verify protected work, including Timestamp, Registration Hash, Tags, Description, or the Paternity Certificate.

Data Control

Authors can manage inside their account all the Public and Private informations for their works. Activating Private Mode too.

Certified Sharing

Proof of Receipt for your Authorship Certificate, with verified people. So no one can tell you they didn't know...

Copyright Protection Logo

We offer members 10 variations of "Copyright Zone" copyright warning logos to use on their work.

Joint Copyright Holders

When uploading work, you can add the names of additional copyright holders for specific works.

3rd Party Notification

Our email system gives members the opportinuty to inform third parties work is registered with Copyright Zone.

CZ Copyright Warning

On submitting work, members receive copyright deterrent warning text, including a unique reference number (the hash code).

Referral System

Want to recommend us to a friend or collegues? We'll add from 50 to 500 blockchain transactions to your account!

Chat & Email support

We offer a multi-language customer support team available on WhatsApp, chat, or email. We currently work in English, Spanish, and Italian.

Multiple Archives

Copyright multiple files in one shoot. In this way, you can protect everyday work without limitations, optimizing your investment.

Used by Artists

Copyright Zone is the final solution for every artist (music, song, sculpture, lyric, poem, paint, photography...). Before sharing your creation copyright it.

Used by EU Institutions

We support from 2018 European Public Administrations with our Blockchain Solutions. LutinX does not use cryptocurrencies.

Used by Big Corporations

Our platform offers multiple scalability opportunities for Corporations and Factories. We currently work in more than 20 countries.

Used by SBE

Small Business Enterprises use us for the technological benefits and the unique prices. Moreover, they can invest in research protecting their job every day.

Scientific Protection

Are you a Professor, a Researcher, a Journalist, a Doctor? Copyright and publish your work freely and safely.

Reasearch Protection

Before publishing a research, copyrith it. Get your Paternity Certificate and share it with your work before third people can copy it.

Financial Data Protection

Are you a Financial Organization, a Bank, an Advisor, or a Regulator Authority? Copyright zone lets you make immutable data of your records.

Healthcare Protection

Second Opinions, Documents, and Medical Reports need to be protected and digitally shared with trusted entities under a unique data backbone.

Unlimited registrations

From 100 Free Blockchain registrations to an unlimited number. No more limits on credit and clear registration times define Copyright Zone.

GDPR Compliance

Id documents are stored in Europe, Data are encrypted, and users have full control of their work visibility. Moreover, Oblivium right is included.

Custom Privacy System

Every user can apply the best privacy level for their work. They can hide it form our public explorer, or limit the access based on their decisions.

Creative Commons

Every time you use Copyright Zone you can still choose the best Creative Common Licence for your work. Your decision will be public.

100% Confidentiality

Work is never opened without the express written permission of our members. Our automated system does all the work.

Automatic Backup

All work files submitted to LutinX are backed up daily for the security of our members and the trust of our ecosystem.

Bespoke Secure Website

Our Platform is bespoke, developed for the purpose. We don't use WordPress templates making our site even more secure and confident.

+ Four Blockchain Applications

+ L.Card

Like a PRO or a Premium client, you can confirm who works with you, using our Blockchain and KYC technology. No one can use your Company identity without your permission.

+ L.Links

Create short links, Track the web activity, and more importantly notarize all the reports inside the blockchain network. Very useful for marketing or analytic purposes.

+ L.Tree

Create unique Digital Credentials that will include all your certifications, contacts, links, or any other reference you want to share in a single place.

+ L.Library

Multiple Documents and Media copyrighting system. With L.library you can archive in one single place hundreds of files, obtaining a legal timestamp for the Digital Conservatory.

Copyright Zone Solutions

๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ’ฅ Our Platform is FREE for Private use. With a simple registration, you’ll get 33 FREE Registrations, but, if you fill the KYC process you’ll reach 100 FREE Registrions ๐Ÿš€

๐ŸŽฏ For Business use we offer multiple solutions. You can start with our TOP chosen solution, and after a while, you can increase your potentiality and of course your ๐Ÿ’ฐ revenues.


NO Business use
0 ... forever
  • Copyright procedure in 2 min.
  • 100 FREE Registrations
  • 10 Mb/File
  • 10 Gb Encrypted Storage
  • Instant Paternity Certificate
  • SHA512 File Encryption
  • Timestamp
  • Free KYC Process
  • Validity in 175+ countries
  • More than 50 file format accepted
  • FREE Chat Support


For Business
49 year
  • all Personal Elements
  • 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • 250 Registrations
  • 10 Mb/File
  • 50 Gb Encrypted Storage
  • 10 Files - Multiple Archive
  • Sharing Certified Service
  • 5 Recipient Receivers
  • Copyright Protection Logos
  • Register Joint Copyright Holders
  • Show / Hide Registrations
  • Priority Chat Support
  • +50 Registration for Referral


For IP Professionals
588 year
  • all CZ.PRO
  • 1000 Registrations
  • 100 Mb/File
  • 500 GB encrypted Storage
  • 25 Files - Multiple Archive
  • 10 Recipient Receivers
  • Copyright Protection Book (from Oct 1st, 24)โ€‹
  • Premium Chat and Email Support
  • Blockchain APP L.Card
  • Blockchain APP L.Library
  • +100 Registration for Referral

๐Ÿ”” For personal-use-only the Platform is FREE.
๐Ÿ”” We suggest you conclude, at the first login, your Identity Verification Process. Notarizing a Document without a verified ID does not grant you the legal value of your registration.

Choosing the right partner

โš ๏ธย  In a connected world, trust is the priority.

๐Ÿšจ Creative Zone is a Project of LutinX.com an International Portal, active in more than 20 Countries, and fully specialized in Digital Data Certification.
๐Ÿšจ Using our copyright service is the top-level technological and legal solution for everyone who publishes or shares their work online.

๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰ Be careful about: