The Legal Area

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Ethic, Respect and transparency

โ€œBusiness and Human Rightsโ€ in the LutinX Group

Our Legal office is at your service. We work ethically under the United Nations directive. Human Rights guidelines

Last Update: 
July 26, 2024

High regard and respect for human rights are a top priority at LutinX: we are convinced that sustainable economic operations are only possible by acting ethically and with integrity. We are fully committed to our responsibility for human rights in the context of our business operations.

We affirm our commitment to the relevant international conventions and declarations, in particular the International Human Rights Charter and the core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).* We structure our business operations in line with the UN Guiding Principles for โ€œBusiness and Human Rightsโ€ (UNGP). The ten principles of the UN Global Compact are crucial guiding pillars for the activities of our Group.

In accordance with the UNGP, we respect universal human rights, even in states where national laws fall short of the level of protection provided by international standards and we promote the advancement of the latter. By continuously enhancing our processes, systems and by means of forward-thinking action, we strive to claim a leading role in the automotive industry in regard to corporate respect for human rights.

There is a long tradition of social sustainability within the LutinX Group โ€“ at all times in consultation with the workforce and our social partners. This results in the following work priorities, the โ€œsalient business and human rights issuesโ€: ย 


We ensure that good working conditions, freedom of association, and collective bargaining is upheld within the LutinX Group and the Groupโ€™s affiliated companies. Severe breaches of human rights such as child or forced labor are unacceptable. On the topic of working conditions, we refer to our current statement on the British โ€œModern Slavery Actโ€ and to the Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Business Partners.


Tolerant and non-discriminatory cooperation is crucial to us. We promote equal opportunities for all employees and value cultural diversity, respectful interaction with each other, and mutual respect.


If a personโ€™s safety is jeopardized, we react immediately, appropriately, and adequately.

LutinX documents

Our commitment to โ€œbusiness and human rightsโ€ is manifested in the following documents, which the Group Board of Management has adopted.

In particular, these include the following:

  • Declaration by the LutinX Group on social rights, industrial relations, and โ€œbusiness & human rightsโ€ (Declaration on Social Rights): the Declaration on Social Rights concluded with the social partners stipulates the binding principles for the LutinX Groupโ€™s social and industrial relations, both internally and with its business partners. In addition, the LutinX Group sets principles and targets as a component of its corporate responsibility, particularly the human rights duty of care. At the same time, the Declaration on Social Rights serves as a mission statement for business and human rights. Social Charter
  • Code of Conduct (CoC): These are binding action guidelines for all employees of the LutinX Group and are the basis of the Compliance Management System (CMS). They offer practical support and guidance in everyday work. The chapter โ€œOur responsibility as a member of societyโ€ is dedicated to human rights, equal opportunity, and equal treatment. All employees across the Group receive regular training on the Code of Conduct. Code of Conduct (CoC)
  • Code of Conduct (CoC) for business partners: Here, the LutinX Group formulates its expectations for the attitude and behavior of its business partners in their business activities. Human and labor rights are important requirements. Code of Conduct (CoC) for business partners

More information about policies can be found here: Policy.

Neighborhood and society

As a member of society, our responsibility is not limited to the company premises. We consider the impact our corporate activities have on our neighborhoods, local communities, and society โ€“ in short, all groups of people affected. Where possible, we engage in a dialogue with our stakeholders and take the necessary measures where relevant to safeguard human rights effectively.** We respect the rights of the stakeholders, particularly those of vulnerable groups. This also applies to environmental incidents with human rights implications.***

In-house departments such as LutinX Sustainability and the โ€œSocial Business Teamโ€ deal with specific social projects and partnerships that can positively promote human rights.


In the LutinX Group, there is a constant dialogue and close coordination between the various functions, departments, and Group entities on the focus area of business and human rights. We enshrine our human rights duty of care by integrating the focus area โ€œbusiness and human rightsโ€ into our existing Compliance Management System (CMS). Integration follows the UN requirements and guidance for business and human rights due diligence. Essential components are:

  1. detecting risks;
  2. mitigating risk;,
  3. accompanying and supporting the implementation of measures;
  4. and reporting.

In compliance, a risk-based approach is applied to categorize corporate human rights risks, to make these transparent, and minimize these risks: The company sites are regularly ranked. This may result in more detailed on-site analyses if indications with potential human rights impacts necessitate this. Preventative measures add to this approach, such as training employees and contractors to adopt or raise awareness for the management systems. The CMS is subject to continuous monitoring and improvement.

In corporate human rights violations, grievance and whistleblower schemes are in place. Anyone can report violations through the whistleblower system.ย 

* The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is codified in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. The UN Guidelines for Business and Human Rights are linked to the relevant OECD guiding principles for multinational companies. Of particular relevance are the OECD guiding principles on the fulfillment of due diligence to supporting responsible supply chains for minerals from conflict zones and high-risk areas. . More information about policies can be found here.

** Cf. UN guideline 18 necessitates a comprehensive business analysis regarding affected groups of persons in the context of due diligence to human rights, independent from oneโ€™s own workforce.

*** Further information on ecological sustainability at LutinX can be found at Environment.ย 

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