Frequently Asked Questions
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Questions & Answers
Main questions:
BBadges is the innovative blockchain ecosystem for digital credentials, simply expressed with an intuitive graphic design.
Each credential issued using BBadges reports a KYC-verified Issuer, immutable data about the credential issued, and a legal timestamp about it. Moreover, every Bbadge can be verified directly online on the public explorer available on
Authenticity is verifiable with blockchain technology that removes the middlemen.
KYC means Know Your Customer and sometimes Know Your Client.
KYC or KYC check is the mandatory process of identifying and verifying the client’s identity when opening an account and periodically over time.
In other words, BBadges Infrastructure will ensure that their users are genuinely who they claim to be.
We are NOT involved in any investment and financial services, but we chose this standard because it is worldwide recognized to identify people and businesses.
A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network.
EdVerso International is an independent non-profit organization based in Switzerland, which operates internationally for the Promotion and Development of Culture, Education, and Work, thanks to Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.
Its Mission is to support a growing ecosystem of training and professional institutions, that create, issue, and manage digital credentials to enhance the skills and value of students and workers.
Within the BBadges system process, EdVerso guarantees, through its accreditation procedure, that the Issuers issuing the digital credentials exist, reporting their main data for public verification.
We offer a powerful, intuitive, and fully public verifiable system that confirms skills, certification, and professional accreditation issued from verified and verifiable issuers, worldwide.
BBadges tokenize inside them, using Blockchain technology and cryptographic algorithms:
- Issuer KYC verified identity reference
- Issuer Partner KYC Verified Identity reference
- Receiver Identity references
Issued date - Expiration date, if available
- BBadge Title
- BBadge Description
- Digital signature source
- Creative Common License, if applicable.
Every BBadge is verifiable on public explorer.
For an intuitive verification process, every BBadge near the Iussuer and Recipient Names presents a Blue Icon, confirming that the Identity has been verified. For Issuers, the blue icon integrates a link to the Accredited Edverso Page, reporting all the Issuer’s data.
If Recipients didn’t verify their identity, near their Name we apply a Red Cross. It means that the issuer simply adds the recipient’s Name, Surname, and Email address.
The participants:
BBadges can be issued by:
- Schools and universities.
- Employers.
- Community and non-profit organizations.
- Government agencies.
- Libraries and museums.
- Event organizers and science fairs.
- Companies and groups focused on professional development.
Every issuer can choose to be fully validated by the system, accreditating himself to EdVerso International. In this way automatically when BBadges are issued the “Issuer” will allow anyone to verify it, accessing a deep report, verified annually by EdVerso.
BBadges typically are issued to Students and Employees after educational and training activities, confirming Skills and Knowledge acquired by them from the Issuers.
Still, more BBadges are issued to Organizations and Professionals confirming their activities and participation in Associations or Projects, increasing their Public value, and promoting their brands.
Recipients will be identified with their Private/Business Name.
Near the Name will be always present two kinds of Icons
1) the Blue Verified Icon, confirms that the Identity of the Student/Employee has been verified, and
2) the Red Cross Icon, which tells us the identity has not been verified by the receiver.
Having a Red Icon doesnยดt mean the BBadge is not valid. It simply means the the Issuer verified the recipient’s identity, and the student/employees/organization didn’t complete the KYC Process.
Auditors are the “third” part that will verify the BBadges issued for different reasons, like:
- Auditing – Revision or control of the educational/training activity. This access is granted by the Issuer, which will allow the Auditor to verify the activities of the Issuer like the number of lessons, the presence registry, or the ID verification of the recipients. Typically this activity is for Financial and Administration purposes.
- HR (Human Resource) – Verify the candidate’s declarations based on their resumes. The public explorer can provide a real-time BBadge Verification result, based on the candidate’s name and surname.
The Developer is the Business or Academic organization that creates and promotes its software solution based on BBadges technology. Thanks to specific APIs and JSON metadata, developers can access our system, using it, including the possibility to develop a large number of new solutions directly with their brands.
BBadges offers them the possibility to transfer MetaData from their system to us, activating cryptographic processes and blockchain smart contracts.
All the processes will be activated under a specific Developer Licence. is the Public Explorer where it is possible to access:
- Intellectual property verification
- Data Paternity verification
- School/Academic Skills verification
- Professional Skills verification
- Presence in lessons/events/activity report
- Membership status
- Company role verification
- Company duties verification
All the recipients have to identify themself directly on our platform, filling the KYC process.
This procedure is needed to confirm their identity and grant you the possibility to issue your certificate and badge to the right person.
Students receive their certificate or BBadge via email and access all of them every moment by simply accessing their LutinX account.
All the Certificates and BBadges are in The Booklet area (top right icon with nine pointers – accessible after login).
LutinX sends certificate emails to your credential earners. You can control the appearance and other email settings through our platform.
LutinX offers many opportunities for skills evidence, like:
- Certified Resumes โ A collection of BBadges grant every person to prove their skill and the job references.
- Micro-credentials โ BBadges can be awarded to complete smaller units of study, often stackable towards a certificate or degree.ย
- Gamification โ BBadges are examples of game mechanics that give earners a sense of winning,ย competition, and accomplishment as they learn and apply new skills.
- Motivation โ Incremental celebration and recognition of employee growthย motivateย professionals to commit to professional growth goals in real-time.
The Bookletโs BBadges can be used to recognizeย any kind of achievement in any setting across the different stages of an individualโs life.
They have already been adopted internationally and are being used to recognize both accredited and non-accredited learning in formal, informal, and non-formal settings.
Each BBadge and Certificates can be shared from the receiver to third people, companies, or institutions. In this way, they can identify the real talent based on competency and attitude.ย
Whit The Booklet, we help employers and educators match individuals with non-traditional experiences to relevant opportunities.
The Booklet references are an alternative way for learners to validate their skills and achievements and share them with employers.
WEB 5.0:
Web 5.0 is the next step in the evolution of the internet, which aims to provide a decentralized platform, based on Blockchain technology, to users while also incorporating human emotions through the use of artificial intelligence.
Here are the main peculiarities:
- The limitations of previous versions of the internet include a lack of control over data and a lack of emotional intelligence.
- Web 5.0 combines the best of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 while taking semantic Web to the next level and supporting global media connection.
- It aims to provide complete decentralization and control of user data.
- This version of the Web will work through the implementation of emotional intelligence into the Internet, with the help of blockchain, AI, and deep learning.
- Web 5.0’s features include control over identity, a decentralized platform for storing data, and a free-flowing environment for creators to develop decentralized applications.
- Compared to previous versions of the internet, Web 5.0 promotes complete decentralization and transparency, while ensuring complete control of user data remains with the user.
In order to simply understand how Web 5.0 will work, we can take the example of internet assistants that we have on our devices.
They take the information from the users and then search the internet according to the user preferences and activities to give the most optimal output. Well, Web 5.0 takes this to the next level. It is going to implement emotional intelligence into the internet. This way, a completely decentralized version of the internet with the capability to understand what emotional state the user is in will be out in the world.
This means that the internet will be able to interpret data itself with the use of logic and give much more efficient output. Web 5.0 will be working with the help of blockchain, AI, deep learning, and a lot of other technologies. It is going to have deeper implementations in the world and will serve as a connection between humans and computers.
Let us take a look at all the features that this version of the internet has to offer.
Control over Identity
Web 5.0 will feature the control of identity for the users. Users will be able to have a decentralized platform to store the credentials of all other platforms. Only the users will have control over this storage platform, and no data of the user identity will be collected by the internet.
Data Ownership
With the use of complete decentralization, this version of the internet will offer complete data ownership to the users. Users can select what information they want to share with the companies and what not. Most importantly, users will have their blockchain participation to store their data safely in a singular place.
Every digital credential issued under the BBadges Project merges the Identity of Issuers/Recipients/Auditors in a full Privacy Compliance system where every piece of data belongs and is managed by their owners, promoting Skills, Talents, and Business opportunities.
The main difference between Web 3.0 and Web 5.0 is that while Web 3.0 introduced decentralization and promoted the idea of giving control of data back to the users, Web 5.0 takes decentralization to the next level and adds emotional intelligence to the internet. This means that Web 5.0 will be able to interpret data itself with the use of logic and give much more efficient output.
The flagship features of Web 5.0 include control over identity, complete decentralization, real-time global media connection, emotional intelligence on the internet, and the ability to develop decentralized applications. Web 5.0 aims to provide a platform to the creators for developing decentralized applications and have a completely free-flowing environment.
As of now, Web 5.0 is still in the development phase, and it is too early to say what the limitations of this version of the Internet would be. However, it is important to note that the use of artificial intelligence in Web 5.0 can raise concerns regarding privacy and security, and it will be important to address these concerns before Web 5.0 can be implemented on a large scale. Additionally, the technology needed to make Web 5.0 a reality is still being developed, and it may take several years before it can be implemented on a global scale. In this case, with BBadges Project started the development to create a solid basement of Data based on Blockchain technology.
You can access the LutinX Legal Area legal documents regarding the usability of our website and our products.
Personal Identifiable Informationย identifies who issues and who receives the BBadges.
These identification elements may be, but are not limited to:
- Name
- Surname
- Email address
The issuer has the full responsibility to inform the receiver that the BBadges can be reachable and verifiable online.
Everyone who receives a BBadge can at any moment access them inside their free account which is available on In this way, they can collect, manage, hide, publish, or delete them without limitations.
The Metadata associated with any BBadge will be tokenized in the blockchain hashes after the encryption process that will grand the Oblivion Rights defined in always more International Regulations.
The Issuer has the responsibility to integrate its Privacy documents informing the receiver of the BBadges that their data can be accessible online, and that they can control them anywhere and anytime.ย
Every issuer should have support from qualified professionals about :
- Limit personal identifiable information for every recipient;
- Privacy and Directory Information policies published by him including the notice of your disclosure practices associated with issuing BBadges;
- Includes inside its legal privacy and data protection statements like part of the data structures, for verification and auditing purposes only.
- Donโt include sensitive data on the Public BBadges;
- Donโt include sensitive data like social security numbers, or health, medical, or disability information in the BBadges.