Atlas of
Work and Qualifications
It is the result of a research-intervention work conducted by INAPP starting in 2013, with the Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the ANPAL, the Coordination of the Regions and the Regions.

Questions & Answers


It is the result of a research-intervention work conducted by INAPP starting from 2013, in support of the Technical Group set up by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of Education, University and Research, from the ANPAL, from the Coordination of the Regions and from the Regions, with the technical assistance of Tecnostructure of the Regions (Interministerial Decree of June 30June 30 2015).

The activity was carried out as part of the construction of the National Directory of education and training qualifications and professional qualifications, as required by Article 8 of Legislative Decree no. 13 of January 16January 16, 2013.

What is it for

The Atlas support tool for lifelong learning for:

  • the transparency and reorganization of the Italian Qualification system;
  • the planning of the public training offer;
  • the definition of policies in the context of active labor policies;
  • the evaluation of the training offer concerning
  • the skills needs expressed by the labor market;
  • referencing the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

It is a value support tool for employability and lifelong learning services for:

  • the analysis of organizational and production developments in the sector;
  • support training planning;
  • the assessment;
  • the process of recognition of educational credits;
  • the Identification, Validation, and Certification (IVC) processes acq uired in non-formal and informal learning contexts;
  • career guidance, also from a perspective of profiling services and skills assessment

Italian legislation

  • DECREE January 5, 2021 โ€“ Provisions for the adoption of the guidelines for the interoperability of public bodies holding the national skills certification system. (21A00166) (GU General Series n.13 of 18-01-2021)
  • DECREE January 8, 2018 โ€“ Establishment of the national framework of qualifications issued as part of the national skills certification system pursuant to legislative decree no. 13. (18A00411) (GU General Series n.20 of 25-01-2018)
  • Agreement between the Government, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the document containing โ€œGuidelines on training and orientation internshipsโ€, pursuant to article 1, paragraphs 34 to 36, of law 92
  • DECREE 30 June 2015 โ€“ Definition of an operational framework for the national recognition of regional qualifications and related competences, within the National Directory of education and training qualifications and professional qualifications referred to in Article 8 of Legislative Decree 16 January 2013, n. 13. (15A05469) (GU General Series n.166 of 20-07-2015)

Italian legislation

  • Council Recommendation of 22 May 2018 on key competences for lifelong learning โ€“ ST/9009/2018/INIT โ€“ ITA โ€“ ENG
  • European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2018 on the implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC as regards regulation and the need for reform in professional services (2017/2073(INI)) โ€“ ITA โ€“ ENG
  • European Parliament resolution of 18 January 2018 on the implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC as regards regulation and the need for reform in professional services (2017/2073(INI)) โ€“ ITA โ€“ ENG
  • COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONof 22 May 2017 on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning and repealing the recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning โ€“ ITA โ€“ ENG
  • Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications โ€“ ITA โ€“ ENG

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