Read more about the article 2021 Data Breaches – A brief Review
2021 Data Breaches - A brief Review - by Alessandro Civati

2021 Data Breaches – A brief Review

Rapidly changing circumstances in the I.T. world and business have increased reliance on data and analytics. Data analytics is now critical to how companies can capture new value. The COVID-19…

Read more about the article Holiday Time – New CyberAttacks Risks for your Business
Holiday Time - New CyberAttacks Risks for your Business - by Alessandro Civati

Holiday Time – New CyberAttacks Risks for your Business

The holidays are an opportunity for people to take time off work and enjoy time with family and loved ones. During this period, people's minds are turned away from work…

Read more about the article Ransomware Attacks – Employees could be part of the problem
Ransomware Attacks - Employees could be part of the problem - By Alessandro Civati

Ransomware Attacks – Employees could be part of the problem

A recent survey of about 100 cybersecurity executives in North America has found that cybercriminals have requested about 50 percent of business employees and leaders to assist in actualizing a…

Read more about the article CyberSecurity Plan – A MUST-HAVE for every Business
CyberSecurity Plan - By Alessandro Civati

CyberSecurity Plan – A MUST-HAVE for every Business

You may never know when disaster may strike. Cybersecurity incidents are not created equal, and some may cause complete devastation. The instructions for immediate safety and recovery vary depending on…

Read more about the article Food Industry Transformation – Technological Predictions
Food Industry Transformation - Technological Predictions - by Alessandro Civati

Food Industry Transformation – Technological Predictions

The disruption to the food industry occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has left the industry scrambling to embrace change. Players in the food industry intend to seize opportunities…

Read more about the article Artificial Intelligence for Governments – Benefits & Vulnerability
Artificial Intelligence for Governments - Benefits & Vulnerability - by Alessandro Civati

Artificial Intelligence for Governments – Benefits & Vulnerability

Governments worldwide are adopting artificial intelligence with lots of enthusiasm in a bid to stay ahead of technological advancements. Both governments and corporates are keen to include AI in their…