We bring digital credentials
into Web 5.0

BBadges includes a native Blockchain and KYC system fully developed in Switzerland and currently used in more than 20 Countries.

BBadges procedures and verification processes are under Edverso International Control.

With BBadges you can:

  • Access Web 5.0;
  • Create your own Digital Credential;
  • Promote Skills under a global verification system;
  • Promote Value and Talents;
  • Protect and Clain Intellectual Property rights;
  • Create your own web solution, based on us.

We bring digital credentials
into Web 5.0

BBadges includes a native Blockchain and KYC system fully developed in Switzerland and currently used in more than 20 Countries.

BBadges procedures and verification processes are under Edverso International Control.

With BBadges you can:

  • Access Web 5.0;
  • Create your own Digital Credential;
  • Promote Skills under a global verification system;
  • Promote Value and Talents;
  • Protect and Clain Intellectual Property rights;
  • Create your own web solution, based on us.

Crafting Excellence:
Unveiling the Essence of Organizational Culture

Numerous organizations face challenges in consistently fostering, monitoring, and quantifying cultural progress.
Enhance the visibility of significant cultural milestones by implementing digital badges, and acknowledging achievements, and shared interests.

Recognize and reward employees, students, and other learners for their accomplishments.

BBadges serve as customizable digital credentials that can be bestowed upon individuals at any moment.

Enhance their learning journey and augment the value of your courses.

Grant them the coveted status symbol they desire. Acknowledge their achievements with digital badges and amplify their long-term value threefold.

Highlight their expertise and unlock career pathways.

Elevate their career prospects with reputable, verifiable credentials, enabling learners to gain visibility and recognition.

Tailored Designs Aligned with Your Branding.

A unique badge for each course, class, event, or accomplishment

BBadges samples

we are the next generation
of digital credentials

BBadges transcend conventional credentials, offering more than mere pieces of paper.

Traditional credentials fall short in providing comprehensive detail. While diplomas and degrees may have a three-dimensional form, they still lack depth in conveying information. Verification of printed data is inaccessible,leaving recipients and readers in doubt. Moreover, these traditional accolades often lack contextual clarity regarding the associated accomplishment. In contrast, digital badges offer inherent verifiability, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness. Thus, a digital badge is:


BBadges are transparent and information-rich. Each badge comes with corroborating evidenceโ€”just one click reveals all pertinent details.


Gain insight into precisely what actions were undertaken to earn a credential, along with the method, timing, and issuer of the credential.


Each BBadge certainly identifies the issuer (verified with international KYC procedure) as the recipient, offering authenticity and certainty.


Craft personalized badges to commemorate a wide array of skills, achievements, or accomplishments.

Why use BBADGES?

BBadges offer a lot of advantages across various scenarios:

  1. Encourage Continuous Learning: Foster ongoing education and training initiatives while enabling badge earners to construct a digital portfolio showcasing their accomplishments.
  2. Enhance Course Value: Elevate the worth of your courses or training programs by implementing digital badges, thereby increasing their attractiveness to potential participants.
  3. Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and reward accomplishments with digital badges, satisfying individuals’ desire for status and acknowledgment.
  4. Inspire Commitment: Motivate commitment and cultivate loyalty among followers, fans, and employees by leveraging digital badges as incentives for engagement and achievement.
  5. Drive Revenue Growth: Generate additional revenue streams by enhancing the value proposition of each student or participant through digital badges, ultimately maximizing their lifetime value.


BBadges is an application powered by LutinX.com. We are on the market with a full white-label technology that allows our Clients to do:

  1. Activate a subdomain on us, like:ย  yourdomain.lutinx.com
  2. Link this new subdomain to your own domain, like: app.yourdomain.com
  3. Connect LutinX to your Domain, directly from your account
  4. Customize logos, messages, and designs with your style.
  5. Integrate with a simple API our KYC system to your website
  6. Start to RESELL our BBadges with your brand and your business model.
bbadges whitelabel
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What you can do with BBadges

BBadges have a versatile and almost infinite use. It is possible to use them in various ways, both for training and professional purposes, and for marketing, promotion, affiliation and others.

Super easy to use

GBSI supports the creation of cross-border services worldwide with new daily development opportunities. Book a call with our Sales team, together weยดll find the best solution for your needs.