Read more about the article Cloud Data Securityย – Four Best Practices for Businesses
Cloud Data Security by Alessandro Civati

Cloud Data Securityย – Four Best Practices for Businesses

Businesses world-over have become dependent on the cloud for a wide range of mission-critical workflows. Companies are now entirely dependent on the cloud platform for HR processes, payroll processing, CRM…

Read more about the article CyberWar in Europe – Internet Blackout, Disinformation and Espionage
CyberWar in Europe by Alessandro Civati

CyberWar in Europe – Internet Blackout, Disinformation and Espionage

Thousands of people across Europe were thrown offline by a massive internet outage believed to be part of the Russian offensive on Ukraine. Reporting on the possible cyberattack, approximately 9,000 subscribers…

Read more about the article A.I. & Social Networks – Is an inequality process started?
A.I. & Social Networks - by Alessandro Civati

A.I. & Social Networks – Is an inequality process started?

Over the past several years, artificial intelligence and machine learning have radically transformed society. Social networks are lauded for creating connections and bringing people together. However, a study published in…

Read more about the article Zero Trust – An Emerging Catchphrase in Cybersecurity
Zero Trust - by Alessandro Civati

Zero Trust – An Emerging Catchphrase in Cybersecurity

Zero trust has become a catchphrase in the cybersecurity sector, with all stakeholders fully accepting and going on all in. Adopting the next-generation security model has faced challenges due to…

Read more about the article Humanity & A.I. – Artificial Intelligence Benefits & RISKS
Humanity & A.I. by Alessandro Civati

Humanity & A.I. – Artificial Intelligence Benefits & RISKS

Technological advancements have been associated with reshaping people and are never a neutral tool for achieving human ends. Both sophisticated and rudimentary technological innovations alter how people behave and work…

Read more about the article Network Decryption – A Critical Cybersecurity Best Practice
Network Decryption by Alessandro Civati

Network Decryption – A Critical Cybersecurity Best Practice

Businesses have been moving their data and computing to the cloud. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the move to the cloud. Security teams need to have a complete view of…

Huawei Risks – A Government Security Review

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., a Chinese multinational company, has steadily grown to become the largest telecommunications equipment vendor in the world. Huaweiโ€™s global revenues have been recorded at over $100…

Read more about the article 2021 Data Breaches – A brief Review
2021 Data Breaches - A brief Review - by Alessandro Civati

2021 Data Breaches – A brief Review

Rapidly changing circumstances in the I.T. world and business have increased reliance on data and analytics. Data analytics is now critical to how companies can capture new value. The COVID-19…

Read more about the article Holiday Time – New CyberAttacks Risks for your Business
Holiday Time - New CyberAttacks Risks for your Business - by Alessandro Civati

Holiday Time – New CyberAttacks Risks for your Business

The holidays are an opportunity for people to take time off work and enjoy time with family and loved ones. During this period, people's minds are turned away from work…

Read more about the article Ransomware Attacks – Employees could be part of the problem
Ransomware Attacks - Employees could be part of the problem - By Alessandro Civati

Ransomware Attacks – Employees could be part of the problem

A recent survey of about 100 cybersecurity executives in North America has found that cybercriminals have requested about 50 percent of business employees and leaders to assist in actualizing a…

Read more about the article CyberSecurity Plan – A MUST-HAVE for every Business
CyberSecurity Plan - By Alessandro Civati

CyberSecurity Plan – A MUST-HAVE for every Business

You may never know when disaster may strike. Cybersecurity incidents are not created equal, and some may cause complete devastation. The instructions for immediate safety and recovery vary depending on…

Read more about the article Food Industry Transformation – Technological Predictions
Food Industry Transformation - Technological Predictions - by Alessandro Civati

Food Industry Transformation – Technological Predictions

The disruption to the food industry occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has left the industry scrambling to embrace change. Players in the food industry intend to seize opportunities…

Read more about the article Blockchain for Education – A fast-growing changing market
Blockchain for Education - A fast-growing changing market - by Alessandro Civati

Blockchain for Education – A fast-growing changing market

Blockchain is increasingly being adopted in the education sector to achieve different outcomes ranging from student records to human resources. The Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam recently signed…

Read more about the article A.I. in the Education Industry – A deep and global change of view
Artificial Intelligence in the Education Industry

A.I. in the Education Industry – A deep and global change of view

The latest findings by Market Research Engine indicate that the global A.I. education market will reach $5.8 billion by 2025. In general, A.I. is revolutionizing how teaching and learning happens.  We…

Read more about the article Artificial Intelligence for Governments – Benefits & Vulnerability
Artificial Intelligence for Governments - Benefits & Vulnerability - by Alessandro Civati

Artificial Intelligence for Governments – Benefits & Vulnerability

Governments worldwide are adopting artificial intelligence with lots of enthusiasm in a bid to stay ahead of technological advancements. Both governments and corporates are keen to include AI in their…

Cryptocurrency – The TRUST Factor

Cryptocurrency has been on a transformative journey. People remain the primary users of the technology, and trust remains a fundamental element. Cryptocurrencies are yet to obtain the necessary legal status…