The Booklet ®
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find a selection of the most frequent questions users did to us. Please, before contacting us, check them.


This FAQ page is specially designed to help you to understand a little more about the GBSI Project.
If you have more questions, feel free to contact us by email.


How long is a contract?
All plans are for one calendar year. Unused allowance expires after 1 year from the beginning of your plan.
Is your pricing in USD?
Can I pay for a year all at once or monthly?

All self-serve plans are billed yearly. We do have more flexibility on payment terms if you are spending more than $5,000 per annum.

What other fees are involved?
You pay only for the plan level of your choice and any add-on features you’ve selected. You can buy directly on the online shop more Blokchchain transactions.
Can I deliver multiple certificates and badges to one the same person?
Yes! You can create as many certificates and badges for each person as you’d like. All of them will be stored in The Booklet archive of each user.
What happens to the certificates or our account if we don’t continue an annual subscription?

The Badges remain active (as long as you have not put an expiration date on them). You still would have access to your platform, but any “add-on” features would be disabled, and you would no longer be able to issue new digital credentials.

All your recipients will continue to access them directly from their account.

Can we at any time, based on our growth, upgrade our package and relationship?

NO. LutinX do not apply any additional costs to keep the certificate “live” after it is issued.

If a certificate expires though, and you need to re-issue a new one, that will reduce your annual allowance unless you’ve already issued to that recipient in the same year.


What L.BADGE stand for?

L.BADGE stands for Infinity Badges, and it can be used to track, certify, archive skills, job titles, signature attorneys, and a lot more!

How many versions of 8Badges exist?

Currently, we developed two different kinds of badges:

  • The first one is designed to confirm a person’s identity inside a company or an association or define the signature power.
  • The second is designed for SKILL traceability. This second badge is integrated inside the “The Booklet” application.
Are L.Badges verifiable?

Every L.Badge for Skills is verifiable, portable and every user can share it on every kind of social media.
Every “the booklet’s badge” embedded metadata about skills and achievements, a description of the related event, and the exact reference of both legal parts, like the identified training center and the student.

How is the structure of data?

In GBSI, we identified four actors:

The Trainer Expert – A user that creates his Brand inside LutinX’s world and build/issue Badges to employers or students.

The Participant – The user that receives the badge. Every badge is issued only to identified people, that filled the KYC procedure correctly.

The Inspector – A user who can import, aggregate, and verify “the booklet’ badges” after the delegate received from the Trainer Expert. Usually are Institutions who finance the training activity.

LutinX Platform – We are the main Public Structure that guarantees the system and our recipients’ identity.

What is the life-circle of the booklet?

What is the life-circle of “The Booklet”?

Two pillars define The Booklet, Identity, and Blockchain Technology.
Around them, we made this life-circle:
1) A new Trainer joins the GBSI project;
2) The KYB process for the Trainer is completed;
3) The Trainer activates his license and set up his public identity;
4) The Trainer creates the Event, adds references, links, images, and, more importantly, assigns the Skills.
5) The Participants join his Event;
6) The Trainer registers their presence on the Blockchain network inside the Booklet;
7) The Trainer creates the badges for one single participant or multiple of them. One or more Blockchain transactions will occur.
8) LutinX shares the Badges first inside the participants’ Booklet and one second later to their email.

All Badges are verifiable publically like the timestamp applied. Each Badge has a special button near the participant’s name that lets everyone verified it.

The GBSI project uses the user verification interface, making sure of every entity registered into the system.

The legal validity of a certificate and Badge is given by the legal entity that issues them.

LutinX, to avoid misunderstandings, always clearly reports the school / university / private or public party that proceeds to issue its certificates and Badges, identifying them with the word “KYB Verified” or “Know Your Business.”


What is the procedure for our Students?

All the recipients have to identify themself directly on our platform, filling the KYC process.

This procedure is needed to confirm their identity and grant you the possibility to issue your certificate and badge to the right person.

How do students access their certificate or badge?

Students receive their certificate or badge via email and access all of them every moment simply accessing their LutinX’s account.

All the Certificates and Badges are in The Booklet area (left menu, Lirax Id section).

Who sends the certificate or badge?

LutinX sends certificate emails to your credential earners. You can control the appearance and other email settings through our platform.

What does the student receive when he or she passes our course?
If you have integrated with LutinX to automatically issue the certificates, the student would receive an email with a “call to action” to view their certificate. Our certificates are mobile friendly as well, so students can view them on their mobile devices.
We have both online and on-site courses. How do we treat face-to-face students?
You can issue digital certificates and badges to “face-to-face” students by adding them to LutinX the same as with any other credential record; you can add these recipients one at a time OR import a CSV file directly from your online-learning platform.

8Badges offers many opportunities of skills evidence, like:

  • Certified Resumes – A collection of 8badges grant every people to prove their skill and the job references.
  • Micro-credentials – 8Badges can be awarded to complete smaller units of study, often stackable towards a certificate or degree. 
  • Gamification – 8Badges are examples of game mechanics that give earners a sense of winning, competition, and accomplishment as they learn and apply new skills.
  • Motivation – Incremental celebration and recognition of employee growth motivate professionals to commit to professional growth goals in real-time.
How The Booklet can be used to identify the Skills assigned?

The Booklet’ Badges can be used to recognize any kind of achievement in any setting across the different stages of an individual’s life.

They have already been adopted internationally and are being used to recognize both accredited and non-accredited learning in formal, informal, and non-formal settings.

How The Booklet can be used to identify Telents?

Each Badge and Certificates can be shared from the receiver to third people, companies, or institutions. In this way, they can identify the real talentbased on competency and attitude. 

Whit The Booklet, we help employers and educators match individuals with non-traditional experiences to relevant opportunities.

Which kind of validation offers the GBSI project?

The Booklet references are an alternative way for learners to validate their skills and achievements and share them with employers.


Do you share, sell, distribute, or use our certificate holders' information?
No. Our agreements clearly state that we’re not able to share your data with any third party that’s not bound by our data privacy agreement and that isn’t named on our data privacy agreement.
Who is the owner of the data?
You’re always able to remove the data you’ve provided to LutinX from our platform.
Can I get my data off of the system if I decide to stop using LutinX?

Yes – we aim to make this as easy as possible. You can export your credential data as a spreadsheet, your analytics data as a spreadsheet, and your certificates as PDFs at any time, and we don’t charge a fee for you to do that.

You can also submit a request at any time if you’d like LutinX to remove data that you’ve provided to our platform.

The participation at events you assigned to recipients will remain on our platform accessible to the final identified recipient. The same for the certificate you issued.

If we decide to stop using LutinX, what happens to our certificates and badges?
We will keep your credentials live in perpetuity so that your credential recipients will be able to retrieve them, and links they’ve received or shared will not break. You can come back to your account at any point and pick up where you’ve left off.

Are you ready to Join GBSI Project? Great! Press the button below for the last steps.